Luc Devroye

AofA 2012

AofA 2012

(Inglorious basterd)
School of Computer Science
McGill University
3480 University Street
Montreal, Canada H3A 2A7
Tel: 1+(514) 398-3738
Fax: 1+(514) 398-3883
Messages: 1+(514) 398-7071
Email: lucdevroye@gmail.com
Suite: McConnell Eng. Bldg #300N

3425 Redpath
Montreal, Canada H3G 2G2
Tel: 1+(514) 849-1564

Disoriented Canadian moose after drinking two Belgian beers Disoriented Canadian moose after drinking two Belgian beers Disoriented Canadian moose after drinking two Belgian beers Disoriented Canadian moose after drinking two Belgian beers Disoriented Canadian moose after drinking two Belgian beers Disoriented Canadian moose after drinking two Belgian beers Disoriented Canadian moose after drinking two Belgian beers Disoriented Canadian moose after drinking two Belgian beers


Biography. Born in Tienen, Belgium, too long ago. Grew up in Tienen and went to the University of Leuven (Belgium). Got married to Bea. Studied for two years at Osaka University (Japan). Obtained a Ph.D. degree from the University of Texas in 1976 under the supervision of Terry Wagner, with a thesis entitled Nonparametric Discrimination and Density Estimation. Joined the School of Computer Science at McGill University in 1977 as a young snotnose, and found academic freedom and cybercover from conservative forces in 2006 at the Computational Geometry Lab of Carleton University, Ottawa. Recognized by his peers as a slum dog in 2008 and an inglorious basterd in 2009. Thanks to a wonderful bunch of students and colleagues all over the world, still hanging in there. Will never retire. Read this piece by Julius Grey or this quote by Walter Crowley to understand Luc.

News | Feelings

March 22, 2011. I do not care about the world today. Philippe Flajolet died this afternoon. My heart is in the gutter. Why is it that the nicest, smartest, most generous guys have to go first? Picture album ⦿ Announcement by INRIA ⦿ Philippe Flajolet's home page ⦿ His motto (from his web site): Does research. Smokes. Battles administration. Smokes. Wishes he could stop battling administration so that he could have more time to do research. Smokes some more. Gives jobs to starving foreigners. Eats occassionally. ⦿

This text will appear in Le Monde, 25 March 2011:

Scientifique d'exception, mathématicien et informaticien tout à la fois,

Philippe FLAJOLET,
Directeur de Recherche à  l'INRIA,
médaille d'argent du CNRS,
membre de l'académie des Sciences,

est décédé brutalement le 22 mars 2011, d'un cancer foudroyant.

Brigitte Vallée,
responsable du Groupe de Recherche ''Informatique Mathématique'' (GdR IM) du CNRS,
le comité de direction du GdR,
les responsables des seize  Groupes de Travail du GdR,
tous les membres du GdR,
et,   en particulier,  tous les membres du Groupe de Travail Alea, qu'il a fondé,

témoignent  de son imagination puissante,  et  de son immense culture
scientifique, qui lui permettaient  la confrontation fructueuse des
domaines, de son exigence scientifique, forte et généreuse.  Philippe a
fondé une école  autour de lui, é la fois en France et dans le monde,
à laquelle il a su insuffler son dynamisme et ses valeurs scientifiques.

Il a oeuvré aussi depuis plus de vingt-cinq ans é la fondation, puis é la
consolidation  de l'interface entre mathématiques et informatique. Nous
sommes  maintenant ses héritiers, et  nous nous souvenons aussi  tout
simplement  de l'homme, avec  sa chaleur humaine et son amour de la vie.  


Scribbles ⦿ More scribbles ⦿ And more ⦿ ArXiv ⦿ Dropbox ⦿ Books
Research lab: CARP
Probabilistic analysis of algorithms ⦿ AofA Facebook page ⦿ Analysis of Algorithms Home Page
Workshop and conference schedule
Random trees
Coloriages et hypergraphes géométriques
Random number generation
Type design (research) ⦿ Type design (link pages)
McGill: Algorithms Seminar ⦿ Discrete Mathematics Seminar ⦿ CRM
NSERC ⦿ NSERC Award Engine ⦿ FQRNT ⦿ TOMACS login ⦿ IMS login
Publishing: Jim Pitman's views (same as mine) ⦿ Support Pitman's effort ⦿ Submit here ⦿ Or here ⦿ Liberté, égalité, fraternité ⦿ No blind refereeing ⦿ Abolish conference papers ⦿ Bring on the drugs
CiteSeer.IST ⦿ Google Scholar ⦿ Gigapedia ⦿ Google Book Search
Vašek Chvátal's home page


My courses:

ConCoCO (Concordia Computational Combinatorial Optimization Laboratory).
My current Ph.D. students: Erin McLeish, Nicolas Fraiman (Uruguay), Omar Fawzi (France, co-supervision).
My current M.Sc. students: Linda Farczadi, Putra Manggala (Singapore).
Recently graduated Ph.D. students: Jamie King, Nicolas Broutin, Perouz Taslakian (co-supervision), Ebrahim Malalla.

Luc's Library (open to all McGill students)

McGill University

Search within McGill ⦿ My McGill (internal) ⦿ Pictures of McGill
School of Computer Science ⦿ Colleagues ⦿ Mail to all my colleagues at once ⦿ Free education ⦿ McGill and the IP scam ⦿ Yakatori ⦿ History of McGill ⦿ Jeremy Cooperstock's epic battle
Canadian universities ⦿ McGill University ⦿ McGill news ⦿ McGill dates ⦿ McGill events
McGill Library ⦿ On-Line Journals ⦿ Science Direct ⦿ Springer link


Google stuff: iGoogle ⦿ Google ⦿ Gmail login ⦿ Google Talk ⦿ Google Calendar View ⦿ Google Calendar Set ⦿ Google Account ⦿ Google Maps ⦿ Google Docs
Non-google engines: Internet archive ⦿ LinkCheck
Social networks: Facebook ⦿ Behance ⦿ LinkedIn
Photo places: Fotocommunity.de ⦿ Adobe Photoshop Express ⦿ Pixdaus ⦿ Dropular ⦿ Visualize us ⦿ Pilo ⦿ Photo Net
Music places: Scharlaken Rackham ⦿ Haddock ⦿ De Strangers ⦿ Radio Canada Espace Musique
Mafiotic stuff: American Express ⦿ Bell Canada
Internet: What is my IP address? ⦿ IP address again ⦿ Router access ⦿ Reset screen ⦿ Alexa rank ⦿ Pingdom
McGill links: Minerva ⦿ PCARD ⦿ Account codes ⦿ Professional Development Fund Form and web site ⦿ Pensions ⦿ FOAPAL demystified
Entreprises Quebec ⦿ AE ⦿ Hovenier, pijpen, vuilniskot, wintermizerie
Luc's family

Illustration of Hunter S. Thompson's 1971 classic, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, by Ralph Steadman

Cycling news ⦿ Wielernieuws ⦿ ATDHE.NET ⦿ Cycling fans ⦿ Sports Livez ⦿ Fromsport ⦿ Sport.be ⦿ Pedal ⦿ Henri Devroye 8th in Tour de France ⦿ Henri Devroye 10th in Tour de France ⦿ FQSC
Assez de frites ⦿ Te huur ⦿ Men ⦿ The world's best lecturer: G.S. Brindley ⦿ Geflitst in Hoegaarden ⦿ L'Europe vue par les français ⦿ Shoichi Nakagawa ⦿ More ⦿ And even more ⦿ Luc's random forest
The dream team university
Google news ⦿ News and Politics ⦿ Support The Pirate Party of Canada ⦿ Urban dictionary ⦿ Urban dictionary search ⦿ The ColdType Reader ⦿ Support WikiLeaks


Best travel agent in Montreal ⦿ Montreal tourism ⦿ Luc's places ⦿ Montrealfood.com
Montreal weather satellite ⦿ Montreal weather ⦿ World radar ⦿ Quebec radar ⦿ Montreal radar
Castel Durocher (recommended hotel in Montreal)
Airport codes ⦿ Expedia ⦿ Air Stronzo ⦿ Miles and More ⦿ SkyTeam ⦿ WorldPerks (NWA) ⦿ Montreal arrivals and departures
Avis Car Rental: 1225 rue Metcalfe, Montreal (514) 866-2847.


I used to have a poem here called Ode to Jacques as a protest against France's atomic bomb testing. In view of Chirac's courageous stance in favor of peace and against a senseless war, I have removed that masterpiece. I am proud to be able to replace it by these videos of Sarkozy, and a new poem, called Sarkokaka.