Served by Luc Devroye
November 6, 2008

A throat slug   

A throat slug is a solid blob of grey/green phlegm brought up from the throat which has some resemblance to a garden slug.

Example: When Alphonse read McGill's memo this morning, he coughed up a throat slug right into his oatmeal.

The list of partially or fully blacklisted countries for travel by McGill students (today): Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Anguilla, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belize, Burma (Myanmar), Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cayman Islands, Central African Republic, Chad, Chechnya, Colombia, Comoros, Congo (Brazzaville), Congo (Kinshasa), Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, East Timor, Ecuador, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Georgia, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, Kenya, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Malaysia, Mali, Moldova, Montserrat, Myanmar (Burma), Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Republic of Congo, Russia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Thailand, Turkey, Turks and Caicos Islands, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Zambia, Zimbabwe.


To hiccurp is to hiccup and burp at the same time.

Geography student: Looking forward to next month's trip to the Imbabura volcano in Ecuador to collect samples for my thesis.

Alphonse: Sorry to be an aushole, but McGill University now forbids travel to Northern Ecuador for research.

Geography student hiccurps, kicks the bumper of his stanker, and goes: Shankers---Someone ought to dope slap that poop muffin at McGill.

Hannah montana   

A hannah montana is a very poorly made show. It is also a rather large and excessively pale, or whitish tinted piece of feces, often caused by certain diets, intestinal malabsorption or pancreatic disorders.

Political science student: We are studying Canada's doghog support of the USA-backed coup in Haiti. My professor is organizing some interviews with political prisoners there.

Alphonse, sucking on his Copenhagen snuff: Geez Louise, I hate to break your water, but Haiti is on McGill's blacklist.

Political science student turns pale, pebbledashes quickly to the toilet, and deposits a shiny hannah montana in disgust. One week later, she transfers to the University of Waterloo and becomes a second rate mathematician.


An iTurd is an iPod accidentally dropped in the toilet.

Mechanical engineering student: Yippety doodle, I won the best paper award at the Fifth Fuel Air Explosion Conference to be held in Bali this coming August.

The local brainiac, partially chonged: Big whoop, another rubber chicken conference run by ugging cockocrats. Anyway, the Provost has decided that no McGill student can go there.

Mechanical engineering student kwazimodoed everywhere, and while tele-pooping with his mom, he iTurded his cell phone. When he retrieved his iTurd, he accidentally found his sister's sockodile.

A month later, he helped himself to a Jim Jones cocktail. McGill's research on fuel air bombs continues without him.


A sheister is a lawyer with tenuous morals. Also a dishonest person. Also, someone who shovels "feces" higher and deeper in an attempt to convince you of something. In Germany called a scheissmeister.

Guy 1 in the gym: Who is that shrinkled geezer with the crinkle dick?

Guy 2: The etard over there? He is the tormental McGill sheister who plotted Operation Chicken.